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To perform CPM (Cost Per Mille) work on your PC/desktop, follow these steps. These steps are quite easy and can help you earn approximately $20 with 1 to 2 IDs.

To perform CPM (Cost Per Mille) work on your PC/desktop, follow these steps. These steps are quite easy and can help you earn approximately $20 with 1 to 2 IDs.

1. RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol):
   - It's possible to do CPM without RDP, but using RDP can enhance safety and efficiency.
   - Even if you choose not to use RDP, keep in mind that using RDP is a better option for safety reasons.

2) Proxy:
   Without using a proxy, you won't be able to perform CPM work. Many people believe that using a VPN extension or finding free proxies from Google would work. Initially, these methods were effective, but when Adsense became suspicious, they started monitoring such activities. Those who are currently using these methods are having their ads disabled directly without any warning.

If you'd like, you can get proxies from me.

This is my group where we provide daily 10 to 20 proxies. There are two pricing options:
1) 299 Rupees: This package includes proxies for 1 month.
2) 999 Rupees: With this package, you'll receive lifetime free proxies.

Now, let's discuss how to perform CPM. First, you need to download Firefox on your system. 

After that, install an extension called "FoxyProxy Standard."

After that, you need to add your proxy to it, but let's talk about how to do that. You need to go to YouTube.

Once you're on YouTube, search for "Tech Support From Aadi."

After searching, you'll see a channel at the top.

As you can see in this picture, you'll need to access the playlist after that.

Once you're in the playlist, find the video titled "YouTube Cpm Pc/Desktop Method." In that video, you'll find instructions on how to use FoxyProxy.

After completing these steps, you should log in with 7 to 10 IDs. Connect to a proxy and perform actions on the ads: watch starting ads, click on the second ads, engage in activities on the websites (like signing in or signing up), and spend 2 to 3 minutes on those websites to generate high revenue.

Make sure to clear the data as well, and repeat these steps. Pay attention: for 100+ views, use 3 to 4 IDs; for 500+ views, use 7 to 8 IDs. Leave a gap of 1 day between activities to avoid arousing suspicion from the Adsense team.

If you need proxies, you can DM me on Instagram: its_me_mr.aadi

Feel free to comment below if you have any doubts related to this.

I won't be selling any courses; I'm here to provide help. Jai Hind!



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